The changes in effects from judgements appear to need a closer look. If effects are based on spell power and attack power, the more important judgements might need to be performed by the paladin with the highest power, followed by second strongest, etc. Will retri paladins always be the stronger of will holy have some new itemization strong enough to compete?
Beacon of Light seems very interesting. If the animation is sweet, I'll be a beacon all the time just for fun.
Auras seem to be changed in the way you expected them to work from the beginning really; not being limited to your group in the raid, this will be a great aura effect increase for the raid containing several paladins.
Enlightened Judgements and Judgements of the Pure are just... fabulous.. have felt the need for it for ages. Longer range judgements, increased hit chance, and spell haste. What more could you ask for?
Even though retri paladins seem to be the best appliers for it, it still attracts the 5 man holy paladin. Healing heroics will be so much easier.
The only thing that bothers me is the mana cost scaling. Why stack mana if the cost is always the same? If the answer is to force people to use judgements more it's a bit strange I feel. Why force someone into a certain path, instead of allowing for the mana collector who goes for a huge mana pool instead of regeneration?