>What is your character’s name? (If you’re not on Argent Dawn, tell us which server you are on now, please.)
I have two characters (both on AD) that I play, and can't decide which is the main and which is the alt. Netty is my feral druid. While she's always happy to slink around as a cat, she's really more of a bear sort of cow. Runcible is my priest healer.
>Recreation is founded for people with certain premises. Knowing who we are, how does this match your wishes or goals with WoW?
A good match, I hope! I enjoy WoW, and spend a lot of time playing, but other things (work, family etc) come first.
>How do our ambitions sound to you?
Not grand enough! I want to see it all, and do everything and be the best... once the kids are in bed, of course, and after I've had dinner, and maybe not tonight because I've got an early start in the morning, but eventually...
>Do our rules suit you?
Netty thinks they are very wise and sensible, Runcible muttered something like "Pah, you call those rules?" and wandered of to smite a rabbit.
>Which role do you prefer to play; tank, healer, or damage dealer?
Netty = tank (or melee dps), Runcible = healer
>Do you enjoy PvE raiding?
I've had very little raiding experience, and that only recently (since raids have become PuGable), however I've found I really enjoy it. I'm getting more confident in Kara, and Runcible has recently done Gruuls and 4 bosses in SSC.
>Do you enjoy PvP?
Yes, but I prefer it in smallish doses. I ran a lot of BGs with Netty to get gear (Frostwolf exalted certainly felt like a lot) and that burned me out a bit, but I'm looking forward to the new PvP stuff in WotLK.
>Do you know anyone in Recreation?
A few names are familiar from PuG instances. Netty and Craymeister have certainly done some heroics together (I also used to play a warlock called Wormskull, now nearly mindless and locked in a Shattrath cellar making bolts of cloth and strange enchantments).
>Feel free to add anything that you would like us to know about you. Smile
I live in Bristol, UK, with my wife and 2 daughters (one 2 years, the other 5 months!). I used to get out more, which included playing tabletop RPGs with friends. When child #1 appeared I started playing WoW as a replacement, and once the family are all fed and the kids are in bed, I'll usually log on for 2 or 3 hours. This sometimes leads to unpredictability, which I've always felt has ruled me out of being in a raiding guild. I'm hoping that Recreation will give me the chance to raid and see more content without making demands that I can't commit to owing to teething issues.